Source code for ILAMB.ConfNBP

from .Confrontation import Confrontation
from .Variable import Variable
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from copy import deepcopy
from . import ilamblib as il
import pylab as plt
from . import Post as post
import numpy as np
import os,glob

def SpaceLabels(y,ymin,maxit=1000):    
    for j in range(maxit):
        dy = np.diff(y)
        for i in range(1,y.size-1):
            if dy[i-1] < ymin:
                y[i] += ymin*0.1
                dy = np.diff(y)            
            if dy[i]   < ymin:
                y[i] -= ymin*0.1
                dy = np.diff(y)
        if dy.min() > ymin: return y
    return y

[docs]class ConfNBP(Confrontation): """A confrontation for examining the global net ecosystem carbon balance. """ def __init__(self,**keywords): # Ugly, but this is how we call the Confrontation constructor super(ConfNBP,self).__init__(**keywords) # Now we overwrite some things which are different here self.regions = ['global'] self.layout.regions = self.regions
[docs] def stageData(self,m): r"""Extracts model data and integrates it over the globe to match the confrontation dataset. Parameters ---------- m : ILAMB.ModelResult.ModelResult the model result context Returns ------- obs : ILAMB.Variable.Variable the variable context associated with the observational dataset mod : ILAMB.Variable.Variable the variable context associated with the model result """ # get the observational data obs = Variable(filename = self.source, variable_name = self.variable, alternate_vars = self.alternate_vars, t0 = None if len(self.study_limits) != 2 else self.study_limits[0], tf = None if len(self.study_limits) != 2 else self.study_limits[1]) # the model data needs integrated over the globe mod = m.extractTimeSeries(self.variable, alt_vars = self.alternate_vars) mod = mod.integrateInSpace().convert(obs.unit) mod = mod.coarsenInTime(obs.time_bnds) if not isinstance(,np.ndarray): if == True:,mask=np.ones(,dtype='bool')) else:,mask=np.zeros(,dtype='bool')) ind = np.where([0] mod = mod.trim(t=mod.time_bnds[ind[[0,-1]],[0,1]]) # sign convention is backwards *= -1. if obs.data_bnds is not None: obs.data_bnds *= -1. *= -1. return obs,mod
[docs] def confront(self,m): r"""Confronts the input model with the observational data. Parameters ---------- m : ILAMB.ModelResult.ModelResult the model results """ # Grab the data obs,mod = self.stageData(m) if self.master: obs_sum = obs.accumulateInTime().convert("Pg") yf = np.round(obs.time_bnds[-1,1]/365.+1850.) obs_end = Variable(name = "nbp(%4d)" % yf, unit = obs_sum.unit, data =[-1]) obs .name = "spaceint_of_nbp_over_global" = "accumulate_of_nbp_over_global" with Dataset(os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % (,mode="w") as results: results.setncatts({"name" :"Benchmark", "color":np.asarray([0.5,0.5,0.5]),"weight":self.cweight,"complete":0}) obs .toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState") obs_sum .toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState") obs_end .toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState") results.setncattr("complete",1) # Now that we have written out the obs as they are, let's look at the maximum overlap t0 = max(obs.time_bnds[ 0,0],mod.time_bnds[ 0,0]) tf = min(obs.time_bnds[-1,1],mod.time_bnds[-1,1]) obs.trim(t=[t0,tf]) mod.trim(t=[t0,tf]) obs_sum = obs.accumulateInTime().convert("Pg") mod_sum = mod.accumulateInTime().convert("Pg") # Score by the trajectory traj_score = None if obs_sum.data_bnds is not None: dV = obs_sum.data_bnds[:,0] eps = (np.abs( # only count error outside uncertainty with np.errstate(under='ignore'): eps = eps / dV # normalize by the magnitude of the uncertainty s = np.exp(-eps) traj_score = Variable(name = "Trajectory Score global", unit = "1", data = s[1:].mean()) # End of period information yf = np.round(mod.time_bnds[-1,1])/365.+1850. obs_end = Variable(name = "nbp(%4d)" % yf, unit = obs_sum.unit, data =[-1]) mod_end = Variable(name = "nbp(%4d)" % yf, unit = mod_sum.unit, data =[-1]) mod_diff = Variable(name = "diff(%4d)" % yf, unit = mod_sum.unit, data =[-1][-1]) # Difference score normlized by the uncertainty in the # accumulation at the end of the time period. normalizer = 21.6*0.5 if "GCP" in self.longname: normalizer = 21.6*0.5 if "Hoffman" in self.longname: normalizer = 84.6*0.5 dscore = Variable(name = "Difference Score global" % yf, unit = "1", data = np.exp(-0.287*np.abs( # Temporal distribution skip_taylor = self.keywords.get("skip_taylor",False) if not skip_taylor: np.seterr(over='ignore',under='ignore') std0 = std = np.seterr(over='raise' ,under='raise' ) R0 = 1.0 R = obs.correlation(mod,ctype="temporal") std /= std0 score = Variable(name = "Temporal Distribution Score global", unit = "1", data = 4.0*(**2 *(1.0+R0))) # Change names to make things easier to parse later mod .name = "spaceint_of_nbp_over_global" mod_sum .name = "accumulate_of_nbp_over_global" # Dump to files results = Dataset(os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % (,,mode="w") results.setncatts({"name", "color":m.color,"weight":self.cweight,"complete":0}) mod .toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState") mod_sum .toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState") mod_end .toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState") mod_diff .toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState") dscore .toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState") if traj_score is not None: traj_score.toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState") if not skip_taylor: score .toNetCDF4(results,group="MeanState",attributes={"std":std,"R"}) results.setncattr("complete",1) results.close()
[docs] def compositePlots(self): # we want to run the original and also this additional plot super(ConfNBP,self).compositePlots() # get the HTML page page = [page for page in self.layout.pages if "MeanState" in][0] colors = {} corr = {} std = {} accum = {} for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_path,"*.nc")): dataset = Dataset(fname) if "MeanState" not in dataset.groups: continue dset = dataset.groups["MeanState"] mname = dataset.getncattr("name") colors[mname] = dataset.getncattr("color") key = [v for v in dset.groups["scalars"].variables.keys() if ("Temporal Distribution Score" in v)] if len(key) > 0: sds = dset.groups["scalars"].variables[key[0]] corr[mname] = sds.R std [mname] = sds.std if "accumulate_of_nbp_over_global" in dset.variables.keys(): v = Variable(filename = fname, variable_name = "accumulate_of_nbp_over_global", groupname = "MeanState") accum[mname] = v # temporal distribution Taylor plot if len(corr) > 0: page.addFigure("Spatially integrated regional mean", "temporal_variance", "temporal_variance.png", side = "TEMPORAL TAYLOR DIAGRAM", legend = False) fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.0,6.0)) keys = corr.keys() post.TaylorDiagram(np.asarray([std [key] for key in keys]), np.asarray([corr[key] for key in keys]), 1.0,fig, [colors[key] for key in keys]) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"temporal_variance.png")) plt.close() # composite accumulation plots if len(accum) > 1: # play with the limits bnd = accum["Benchmark"].data_bnds if accum["Benchmark"].data_bnds is not None else accum["Benchmark"].data bmin = bnd.min() bmax = bnd.max() brange = bmax - bmin vmin = min(self.limits["accumulate"]["global"]["min"],bmin) vmax = max(self.limits["accumulate"]["global"]["max"],bmax) vrange = vmax - vmin if bmax/brange < 0.25: bmax = 0.25*brange if vmax/vrange < 0.25: vmax = 0.25*vrange skip_detail = False if abs((vmax-bmax)/vrange) < 0.1 and abs((vmin-bmin)/vrange) < 0.1: skip_detail = True page.addFigure("Spatially integrated regional mean", "compaccumulation", "RNAME_compaccumulation.png", side = "ACCUMULATION", legend = False) NBPplot(accum,vmin,vmax,colors, os.path.join(self.output_path,"global_compaccumulation.png")) if not skip_detail: page.addFigure("Spatially integrated regional mean", "compdaccumulation", "RNAME_compdaccumulation.png", side = "ACCUMULATION DETAIL", legend = False) NBPplot(accum,bmin,bmax,colors, os.path.join(self.output_path,"global_compdaccumulation.png"))
def NBPplot(V,vmin,vmax,colors,fname): keys = V.keys() Y = []; L = [] for key in V: if key == "Benchmark": continue if V[key].time[0] > V["Benchmark"].time[0]+10: continue L.append(key) Y.append(V[key].data[-1]) Y = np.asarray(Y); L = np.asarray(L) ind = np.argsort(Y) Y = Y[ind]; L = L[ind] fig = plt.figure(figsize=(11.8,5.8)) ax = fig.add_subplot(1,1,1,position=[0.06,0.06,0.8,0.92]) data_range = vmax-vmin fig_height = fig.get_figheight() font_size = 10 dy = 0.05*data_range y = SpaceLabels(Y.copy(),data_range/fig_height*font_size/50.) v = V["Benchmark"] for i in range(L.size): key = L[i] V[key].plot(ax,lw=2,color=colors[key],label=key,vmin=vmin-dy,vmax=vmax+dy) ax.text(v.time[-1]/365+1850+2,y[i],key,color=colors[key],va="center",size=font_size) v.plot(ax,lw=2,color='k',label="Benchmark",vmin=vmin-dy,vmax=vmax+dy) if v is None: v = V[keys[0]] ax.text(0.02,0.95,"Land Source",transform=ax.transAxes,size=20,alpha=0.5,va='top') ax.text(0.02,0.05,"Land Sink",transform=ax.transAxes,size=20,alpha=0.5) #ax.set_xticks(range(int(v.time[0]/365+1850),int(v.time[-1]/365+1850),25)) ax.set_xlim(v.time[0]/365+1850,v.time[-1]/365+1850) ax.set_ylabel("[Pg]") fig.savefig(os.path.join(fname)) plt.close()