Source code for ILAMB.Confrontation

from . import ilamblib as il
from .Variable import *
from .Relationship import Relationship
from .Regions import Regions
from .constants import space_opts,time_opts,mid_months,bnd_months
import os,glob,re
from netCDF4 import Dataset
from . import Post as post
import pylab as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LogNorm
from mpl_toolkits.axes_grid1 import make_axes_locatable
from mpi4py import MPI
from sympy import sympify
import cftime as cf

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger("%i" % MPI.COMM_WORLD.rank)

def getVariableList(dataset):
    """Extracts the list of variables in the dataset that aren't
    dimensions or the bounds of dimensions.

    variables = [v for v in dataset.variables.keys() if v not in dataset.dimensions.keys()]
    for d in dataset.dimensions.keys():
    return variables

def replace_url(string):
    url = re.findall('http[s]?://(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+~]|[!*\(\), ]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', string)
    for u in url:
        u_text = u
        u_text = u_text.replace("","doi:")
        u_text = u_text.replace("","doi:")
        u_text = u_text.replace("","doi:")
        u_text = u_text.replace("","doi:")
        string = string.replace(u,"<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (u,u_text))
    # if no https link was found, then it may be a doi link which we
    # want to hyperlink appropriately
    if len(url) == 0:
        url = re.findall('doi:(?:[a-zA-Z]|[0-9]|[$-_@.&+~]|[!*\(\), ]|(?:%[0-9a-fA-F][0-9a-fA-F]))+', string)
        for u in url:
            # if doi is in a text reference, it ends with a period that we do not want
            u = u.strip(".")
            u_link = u.replace("doi:","")
            string = string.replace(u,"<a href='%s'>%s</a>" % (u_link,u))
    return string

def parse_bibtex(string):
    citation = ""
    entry_begins = []
    for m in re.finditer("@",string): entry_begins.append(m.start())
    for i in range(len(entry_begins)-1):
        entry = string[entry_begins[i]:entry_begins[i+1]]
        e = dict(re.findall(r'\s+(\w+)\s+=\s+\{(.*)\}',entry))
        if i > 0: citation += "<br>"
        citation += "<dd>"
        if 'author'  in e: citation += e['author']
        if 'year'    in e: citation += " (%s)" % e['year']
        if 'title'   in e: citation += ", %s" % e['title']
        if 'journal' in e: citation += ", <i>%s</i>" % e['journal']
        if 'number'  in e: citation += ", <i>%s</i>" % e['number']
        if 'page'    in e: citation += ", %s" % e['page']
        if 'doi'     in e: citation += ', %s' % replace_url(e['doi'])
        citation += "</dd>"
    return citation

def create_data_header(attr, val):

    vals = val.split(";")
    html = "<p><dl><dt><b>&nbsp;&nbsp;%s:</dt></b>" % (attr.capitalize())
    for v in vals:
        v = v.strip()
        if v.startswith("@"):
            html += parse_bibtex(v)
            html += "<dd>%s</dd>" % (replace_url(v))
    html += "</dl></p>"
    return html

[docs]class Confrontation(object): """A generic class for confronting model results with observational data. This class is meant to provide the user with a simple way to specify observational datasets and compare them to model results. A generic analysis routine is called which checks mean states of the variables, afterwhich the results are tabulated and plotted automatically. A HTML page is built dynamically as plots are created based on available information and successful analysis. Parameters ---------- name : str a name for the confrontation source : str full path to the observational dataset variable_name : str name of the variable to extract from the source dataset output_path : str, optional path into which all output from this confrontation will be generated alternate_vars : list of str, optional other accepted variable names when extracting from models derived : str, optional an algebraic expression which captures how the confrontation variable may be generated regions : list of str, optional a list of regions over which the spatial analysis will be performed (default is global) table_unit : str, optional the unit to use in the output HTML table plot_unit : str, optional the unit to use in the output images space_mean : bool, optional enable to take spatial means (as opposed to spatial integrals) in the analysis (enabled by default) relationships : list of ILAMB.Confrontation.Confrontation, optional a list of confrontations with whose data we use to study relationships cmap : str, optional the colormap to use in rendering plots (default is 'jet') land : str, bool enable to force the masking of areas with no land (default is False) limit_type : str change the types of plot limits, one of ['minmax', '99per' (default)] """ def __init__(self,**keywords): # Initialize self.master = True = keywords.get("name",None) self.source = keywords.get("source",None) self.variable = keywords.get("variable",None) self.output_path = keywords.get("output_path","./") self.alternate_vars = keywords.get("alternate_vars",[]) self.derived = keywords.get("derived",None) self.regions = list(keywords.get("regions",["global"])) = None self.cmap = keywords.get("cmap","jet") = keywords.get("land",False) self.limits = None self.longname = self.output_path self.longname = "/".join(self.longname.replace("//","/").rstrip("/").split("/")[-2:]) self.table_unit = keywords.get("table_unit",None) self.plot_unit = keywords.get("plot_unit",None) self.space_mean = keywords.get("space_mean",True) self.relationships = keywords.get("relationships",None) self.keywords = keywords self.extents = np.asarray([[-90.,+90.],[-180.,+180.]]) self.study_limits = [] self.cweight = 1 # Make sure the source data exists if not os.path.isfile(self.source): msg = "\n\nI am looking for data for the %s confrontation here\n\n" % msg += "%s\n\nbut I cannot find it. " % self.source msg += "Did you download the data? Have you set the ILAMB_ROOT envronment variable?\n" raise il.MisplacedData(msg) # Setup a html layout for generating web views of the results pages = [] # Mean State page pages.append(post.HtmlPage("MeanState","Mean State")) pages[-1].setHeader("CNAME / RNAME / MNAME") pages[-1].setSections(["Temporally integrated period mean", "Spatially integrated regional mean"]) # Datasites page self.hasSites = False self.lbls = None y0 = None; yf = None with Dataset(self.source) as dataset: if "data" in dataset.dimensions: #self.hasSites = True if "site_name" in dataset.ncattrs(): self.lbls = dataset.site_name.split(",") else: self.lbls = ["site%d" % s for s in range(len(dataset.dimensions["data"]))] if "time" in dataset.dimensions: t = dataset.variables["time"] tdata = t[[0,-1]] if "bounds" in t.ncattrs(): tdata = dataset.variables[t.bounds] tdata = [tdata[0,0],tdata[-1,1]] tdata = cf.num2date(tdata,units=t.units,calendar=t.calendar) y0 = tdata[0].year yf = tdata[1].year if self.hasSites: pages.append(post.HtmlSitePlotsPage("SitePlots","Site Plots")) pages[-1].setHeader("CNAME / RNAME / MNAME") pages[-1].setSections([]) var = Variable(filename = self.source, variable_name = self.variable, alternate_vars = self.alternate_vars).integrateInTime(mean=True) if self.plot_unit is not None: var.convert(self.plot_unit) pages[-1].lat = pages[-1].lon = var.lon pages[-1].vname = self.variable pages[-1].unit = var.unit pages[-1].vals = pages[-1].sites = self.lbls # Relationships page if self.relationships is not None: pages.append(post.HtmlPage("Relationships","Relationships")) pages[-1].setHeader("CNAME / RNAME / MNAME") pages[-1].setSections(list(self.relationships)) pages.append(post.HtmlAllModelsPage("AllModels","All Models")) pages[-1].setHeader("CNAME / RNAME / MNAME") pages[-1].setSections([]) pages[-1].setRegions(self.regions) pages.append(post.HtmlPage("DataInformation","Data Information")) pages[-1].setSections([]) pages[-1].text = "\n" with Dataset(self.source) as dset: def _attribute_sort(attr): # If the attribute begins with one of the ones we # specifically order, return the index into order. If # it does not, return the number of entries in the # list and the file's order will be preserved. order = ['title','version','institution','source','history','references','comments','convention'] for i,a in enumerate(order): if attr.lower().startswith(a): return i return len(order) attrs = dset.ncattrs() attrs = sorted(attrs,key=_attribute_sort) for attr in attrs: try: val = dset.getncattr(attr) if type(val) != str: val = str(val) pages[-1].text += create_data_header(attr,val) except: pass self.layout = post.HtmlLayout(pages,self.longname,years=(y0,yf)) # Define relative weights of each score in the overall score # (FIX: need some way for the user to modify this) self.weight = {"Bias Score" :1., "RMSE Score" :2., "Seasonal Cycle Score" :1., "Interannual Variability Score" :1., "Spatial Distribution Score" :1.}
[docs] def requires(self): if self.derived is not None: ands = [ for arg in sympify(self.derived).free_symbols] ors = [] else: ands = [] ors = [self.variable] + self.alternate_vars return ands,ors
[docs] def stageData(self,m): r"""Extracts model data which matches the observational dataset. The datafile associated with this confrontation defines what is to be extracted from the model results. If the observational data represents sites, as opposed to spatially defined over a latitude/longitude grid, then the model results will be sampled at the site locations to match. The spatial grids need not align, the analysis will handle the interpolations when necesary. If both datasets are defined on the same temporal scale, then the maximum overlap time is computed and the datasets are clipped to match. If there is some disparity in the temporal scale (e.g. annual mean observational data and monthly mean model results) then we coarsen the model results automatically to match the observational data. Parameters ---------- m : ILAMB.ModelResult.ModelResult the model result context Returns ------- obs : ILAMB.Variable.Variable the variable context associated with the observational dataset mod : ILAMB.Variable.Variable the variable context associated with the model result """ obs = Variable(filename = self.source, variable_name = self.variable, alternate_vars = self.alternate_vars, t0 = None if len(self.study_limits) != 2 else self.study_limits[0], tf = None if len(self.study_limits) != 2 else self.study_limits[1]) if obs.time is None: raise il.NotTemporalVariable() self.pruneRegions(obs) # Try to extract a commensurate quantity from the model mod = m.extractTimeSeries(self.variable, alt_vars = self.alternate_vars, expression = self.derived, initial_time = obs.time_bnds[ 0,0], final_time = obs.time_bnds[-1,1], lats = None if obs.spatial else, lons = None if obs.spatial else obs.lon) obs,mod = il.MakeComparable(obs,mod, mask_ref = True, clip_ref = True, extents = self.extents, logstring = "[%s][%s]" % (self.longname, # Check the order of magnitude of the data and convert to help avoid roundoff errors def _reduceRoundoffErrors(var): if "s-1" in var.unit: return var.convert(var.unit.replace("s-1","d-1")) if "kg" in var.unit: return var.convert(var.unit.replace("kg" ,"g" )) return var def _getOrder(var): return np.log10(np.abs( order = _getOrder(obs) count = 0 while order < -2 and count < 2: obs = _reduceRoundoffErrors(obs) order = _getOrder(obs) count += 1 # convert the model data to the same unit mod = mod.convert(obs.unit) return obs,mod
[docs] def pruneRegions(self,var): # remove regions if there is no data from the input variable r = Regions() self.regions = [region for region in self.regions if r.hasData(region,var)]
[docs] def confront(self,m): r"""Confronts the input model with the observational data. This routine performs a mean-state analysis the details of which may be found in the documentation of ILAMB.ilamblib.AnalysisMeanState. If relationship information was provided, it will also perform the analysis documented in ILAMB.ilamblib.AnalysisRelationship. Output from the analysis is stored in a netCDF4 file in the output path. Parameters ---------- m : ILAMB.ModelResult.ModelResult the model results """ # Grab the data obs,mod = self.stageData(m) mod_file = os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % (, obs_file = os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % (, )) with il.FileContextManager(self.master,mod_file,obs_file) as fcm: # Encode some names and colors fcm.mod_dset.setncatts({"name", "color":m.color, "weight":self.cweight, "complete":0}) if self.master: fcm.obs_dset.setncatts({"name" :"Benchmark", "color":np.asarray([0.5,0.5,0.5]), "weight":self.cweight, "complete":0}) # Read in some options and run the mean state analysis mass_weighting = self.keywords.get("mass_weighting",False) skip_rmse = self.keywords.get("skip_rmse" ,False) skip_iav = self.keywords.get("skip_iav" ,True ) skip_cycle = self.keywords.get("skip_cycle" ,False) rmse_score_basis = self.keywords.get("rmse_score_basis","cycle") if obs.spatial: il.AnalysisMeanStateSpace(obs,mod,dataset = fcm.mod_dset, regions = self.regions, benchmark_dataset = fcm.obs_dset, table_unit = self.table_unit, plot_unit = self.plot_unit, space_mean = self.space_mean, skip_rmse = skip_rmse, skip_iav = skip_iav, skip_cycle = skip_cycle, mass_weighting = mass_weighting, rmse_score_basis = rmse_score_basis) else: il.AnalysisMeanStateSites(obs,mod,dataset = fcm.mod_dset, regions = self.regions, benchmark_dataset = fcm.obs_dset, table_unit = self.table_unit, plot_unit = self.plot_unit, space_mean = self.space_mean, skip_rmse = skip_rmse, skip_iav = skip_iav, skip_cycle = skip_cycle, mass_weighting = mass_weighting) fcm.mod_dset.setncattr("complete",1) if self.master: fcm.obs_dset.setncattr("complete",1)"[%s][%s] Success" % (self.longname,
[docs] def determinePlotLimits(self): """Determine the limits of all plots which are inclusive of all ranges. The routine will open all netCDF files in the output path and add the maximum and minimum of all variables which are designated to be plotted. If legends are desired for a given plot, these are rendered here as well. This routine should be called before calling any plotting routine. """ filelist = glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_path,"*.nc")) benchmark_file = [f for f in filelist if "Benchmark" in f] # There may be regions in which there is no benchmark data and # these should be weeded out. If the plotting phase occurs in # the same run as the analysis phase, this is not needed. if benchmark_file: with Dataset(benchmark_file[0]) as dset: Vs = getVariableList(dset.groups["MeanState"]) Vs = [v for v in Vs if "timeint" in v] if Vs: self.pruneRegions(Variable(filename = benchmark_file[0], variable_name = Vs[0], groupname = "MeanState")) # Determine the min/max of variables over all models limits = {} for fname in filelist: with Dataset(fname) as dataset: if "MeanState" not in dataset.groups: continue variables = getVariableList(dataset.groups["MeanState"]) for vname in variables: var = dataset.groups["MeanState"].variables[vname] if var[...].size <= 1: continue pname = vname.split("_")[0] """If the plot is a time series, it has been averaged over regions already and we need a separate dictionary for the region as well. These can be based on the percentiles from the attributes of the netCDF variables.""" if pname in time_opts: region = vname.split("_")[-1] if pname not in limits: limits[pname] = {} if region not in limits[pname]: limits[pname][region] = {} limits[pname][region]["min"] = +1e20 limits[pname][region]["max"] = -1e20 limits[pname][region]["unit"] = post.UnitStringToMatplotlib(var.getncattr("units")) limits[pname][region]["min"] = min(limits[pname][region]["min"],var.getncattr("min")) limits[pname][region]["max"] = max(limits[pname][region]["max"],var.getncattr("max")) else: """If the plot is spatial, we want to set the limits as a percentile of all data across models and the benchmark. So here we load the data up and in another pass will compute the percentiles.""" if pname not in limits: limits[pname] = {} limits[pname]["min"] = +1e20 limits[pname]["max"] = -1e20 limits[pname]["unit"] = post.UnitStringToMatplotlib(var.getncattr("units")) limits[pname]["data"] = var[...].compressed() else: limits[pname]["data"] = np.hstack([limits[pname]["data"],var[...].compressed()]) # For those limits which we built up data across all models, compute the percentiles for pname in limits.keys(): if "data" in limits[pname]: limits[pname]["min"],limits[pname]["max"] = np.percentile(limits[pname]["data"],[1,99]) # Second pass to plot legends (FIX: only for master?) for pname in limits.keys(): try: opts = space_opts[pname] except: continue # Determine plot limits and colormap if opts["sym"]: vabs = max(abs(limits[pname]["min"]),abs(limits[pname]["min"])) limits[pname]["min"] = -vabs limits[pname]["max"] = vabs # if a score, force to be [0,1] if "score" in pname: limits[pname]["min"] = 0 limits[pname]["max"] = 1 limits[pname]["cmap"] = opts["cmap"] if limits[pname]["cmap"] == "choose": limits[pname]["cmap"] = self.cmap if "score" in pname: limits[pname]["cmap"] =[pname]["cmap"],3) # Plot a legend for each key if opts["haslegend"]: fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.8,1.0),tight_layout=True) label = opts["label"] if label == "unit": label = limits[pname]["unit"] post.ColorBar(ax, vmin = limits[pname]["min"], vmax = limits[pname]["max"], cmap = limits[pname]["cmap"], ticks = opts["ticks"], ticklabels = opts["ticklabels"], label = label) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"legend_%s.png" % (pname))) plt.close() # Determine min/max of relationship variables for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_path,"*.nc")): with Dataset(fname) as dataset: for g in dataset.groups.keys(): if "relationship" not in g: continue grp = dataset.groups[g] if g not in limits: limits[g] = {} limits[g]["xmin"] = +1e20 limits[g]["xmax"] = -1e20 limits[g]["ymin"] = +1e20 limits[g]["ymax"] = -1e20 limits[g]["xmin"] = min(limits[g]["xmin"],grp.variables["ind_bnd"][ 0, 0]) limits[g]["xmax"] = max(limits[g]["xmax"],grp.variables["ind_bnd"][-1,-1]) limits[g]["ymin"] = min(limits[g]["ymin"],grp.variables["dep_bnd"][ 0, 0]) limits[g]["ymax"] = max(limits[g]["ymax"],grp.variables["dep_bnd"][-1,-1]) self.limits = limits
[docs] def computeOverallScore(self,m): """Computes the overall composite score for a given model. This routine opens the netCDF results file associated with this confrontation-model pair, and then looks for a "scalars" group in the dataset as well as any subgroups that may be present. For each grouping of scalars, it will blend any value with the word "Score" in the name to render an overall score, overwriting the existing value if present. Parameters ---------- m : ILAMB.ModelResult.ModelResult the model results """ def _computeOverallScore(scalars): """Given a netCDF4 group of scalars, blend them into an overall score""" scores = {} variables = [v for v in scalars.variables.keys() if "Score" in v and "Overall" not in v] for region in self.regions: overall_score = 0. sum_of_weights = 0. for v in variables: if region not in v: continue score = v.replace(region,"").strip() weight = 1. if score in self.weight: weight = self.weight[score] overall_score += weight*scalars.variables[v][...] sum_of_weights += weight overall_score /= max(sum_of_weights,1e-12) scores["Overall Score %s" % region] = overall_score return scores fname = os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % (, if not os.path.isfile(fname): return with Dataset(fname,mode="r+") as dataset: datasets = [dataset.groups[grp] for grp in dataset.groups if "scalars" not in grp] groups = [grp for grp in dataset.groups if "scalars" not in grp] datasets.append(dataset) groups .append(None) for dset,grp in zip(datasets,groups): if "scalars" in dset.groups: scalars = dset.groups["scalars"] score = _computeOverallScore(scalars) for key in score.keys(): if key in scalars.variables: scalars.variables[key][0] = score[key] else: Variable(data=score[key],name=key,unit="1").toNetCDF4(dataset,group=grp)
[docs] def compositePlots(self): """Renders plots which display information of all models. This routine renders plots which contain information from all models. Thus only the master process will run this routine, and only after all analysis has finished. """ if not self.master: return # get the HTML page page = [page for page in self.layout.pages if "MeanState" in][0] models = [] colors = [] corr = {} std = {} cycle = {} has_cycle = False has_std = False for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_path,"*.nc")): dataset = Dataset(fname) if "MeanState" not in dataset.groups: continue dset = dataset.groups["MeanState"] models.append(dataset.getncattr("name")) colors.append(dataset.getncattr("color")) for region in self.regions: if region not in cycle: cycle[region] = [] key = [v for v in dset.variables.keys() if ("cycle_" in v and region in v)] if len(key)>0: has_cycle = True cycle[region].append(Variable(filename=fname,groupname="MeanState",variable_name=key[0])) if region not in std: std[region] = [] if region not in corr: corr[region] = [] key = [] if "scalars" in dset.groups: key = [v for v in dset.groups["scalars"].variables.keys() if ("Spatial Distribution Score" in v and region in v)] if len(key) > 0: has_std = True sds = dset.groups["scalars"].variables[key[0]] corr[region].append(sds.getncattr("R" )) std [region].append(sds.getncattr("std")) # composite annual cycle plot if has_cycle and len(models) > 2: page.addFigure("Spatially integrated regional mean", "compcycle", "RNAME_compcycle.png", side = "ANNUAL CYCLE", legend = False) for region in self.regions: if region not in cycle: continue fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.8,2.8),tight_layout=True) for name,color,var in zip(models,colors,cycle[region]): dy = 0.05*(self.limits["cycle"][region]["max"]-self.limits["cycle"][region]["min"]) var.plot(ax,lw=2,color=color,label=name, ticks = time_opts["cycle"]["ticks"], ticklabels = time_opts["cycle"]["ticklabels"], vmin = self.limits["cycle"][region]["min"]-dy, vmax = self.limits["cycle"][region]["max"]+dy) ylbl = time_opts["cycle"]["ylabel"] if ylbl == "unit": ylbl = post.UnitStringToMatplotlib(var.unit) ax.set_ylabel(ylbl) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"%s_compcycle.png" % (region))) plt.close() # plot legends with model colors (sorted with Benchmark data on top) page.addFigure("Spatially integrated regional mean", "legend_compcycle", "legend_compcycle.png", side = "MODEL COLORS", legend = False) def _alphabeticalBenchmarkFirst(key): key = key[0].lower() if key == "BENCHMARK": return "A" return key tmp = sorted(zip(models,colors),key=_alphabeticalBenchmarkFirst) fig,ax = plt.subplots() for model,color in tmp: ax.plot(0,0,'o',mew=0,ms=8,color=color,label=model) handles,labels = ax.get_legend_handles_labels() plt.close() ncol = np.ceil(float(len(models))/11.).astype(int) if ncol > 0: fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(3.*ncol,2.8),tight_layout=True) ax.legend(handles,labels,loc="upper right",ncol=ncol,fontsize=10,numpoints=1) ax.axis(False) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"legend_compcycle.png")) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"legend_spatial_variance.png")) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"legend_temporal_variance.png")) plt.close() # spatial distribution Taylor plot if has_std: page.addFigure("Temporally integrated period mean", "spatial_variance", "RNAME_spatial_variance.png", side = "SPATIAL TAYLOR DIAGRAM", legend = False) page.addFigure("Temporally integrated period mean", "legend_spatial_variance", "legend_spatial_variance.png", side = "MODEL COLORS", legend = False) if "Benchmark" in models: colors.pop(models.index("Benchmark")) for region in self.regions: if not (region in std and region in corr): continue if len(std[region]) != len(corr[region]): continue if len(std[region]) == 0: continue fig = plt.figure(figsize=(6.0,6.0)) post.TaylorDiagram(np.asarray(std[region]),np.asarray(corr[region]),1.0,fig,colors) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"%s_spatial_variance.png" % region)) plt.close()
[docs] def modelPlots(self,m): """For a given model, create the plots of the analysis results. This routine will extract plotting information out of the netCDF file which results from the analysis and create plots. Note that determinePlotLimits should be called before this routine. """ self._relationship(m) bname = os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % ( )) fname = os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % (, if not os.path.isfile(bname): return if not os.path.isfile(fname): return # get the HTML page page = [page for page in self.layout.pages if "MeanState" in][0] with Dataset(fname) as dataset: group = dataset.groups["MeanState"] variables = getVariableList(group) color = dataset.getncattr("color") for vname in variables: # is this a variable we need to plot? pname = vname.split("_")[0] if group.variables[vname][...].size <= 1: continue var = Variable(filename=fname,groupname="MeanState",variable_name=vname) if (var.spatial or (var.ndata is not None)) and not var.temporal: # grab plotting options if pname not in self.limits.keys(): continue if pname not in space_opts: continue opts = space_opts[pname] # add to html layout page.addFigure(opts["section"], pname, opts["pattern"], side = opts["sidelbl"], legend = opts["haslegend"]) # plot variable for region in self.regions: ax = var.plot(None, region = region, vmin = self.limits[pname]["min"], vmax = self.limits[pname]["max"], cmap = self.limits[pname]["cmap"]) fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"%s_%s_%s.png" % (,region,pname))) plt.close() # Jumping through hoops to get the benchmark plotted and in the html output if self.master and (pname == "timeint" or pname == "phase" or pname == "iav"): opts = space_opts[pname] # add to html layout page.addFigure(opts["section"], "benchmark_%s" % pname, opts["pattern"].replace("MNAME","Benchmark"), side = opts["sidelbl"].replace("MODEL","BENCHMARK"), legend = True) # plot variable obs = Variable(filename=bname,groupname="MeanState",variable_name=vname) for region in self.regions: ax = obs.plot(None, region = region, vmin = self.limits[pname]["min"], vmax = self.limits[pname]["max"], cmap = self.limits[pname]["cmap"]) fig = ax.get_figure() fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"Benchmark_%s_%s.png" % (region,pname))) plt.close() if not (var.spatial or (var.ndata is not None)) and var.temporal: # grab the benchmark dataset to plot along with try: obs = Variable(filename=bname,groupname="MeanState",variable_name=vname).convert(var.unit) except: continue # grab plotting options if pname not in time_opts: continue opts = time_opts[pname] # add to html layout page.addFigure(opts["section"], pname, opts["pattern"], side = opts["sidelbl"], legend = opts["haslegend"]) # plot variable for region in self.regions: if region not in vname: continue fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.8,2.8),tight_layout=True) obs.plot(ax,lw=2,color='k',alpha=0.5) var.plot(ax,lw=2,color=color,, ticks =opts["ticks"], ticklabels=opts["ticklabels"]) dy = 0.05*(self.limits[pname][region]["max"]-self.limits[pname][region]["min"]) ax.set_ylim(self.limits[pname][region]["min"]-dy, self.limits[pname][region]["max"]+dy) ylbl = opts["ylabel"] if ylbl == "unit": ylbl = post.UnitStringToMatplotlib(var.unit) ax.set_ylabel(ylbl) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"%s_%s_%s.png" % (,region,pname))) plt.close()"[%s][%s] Success" % (self.longname,
[docs] def sitePlots(self,m): """ """ if not self.hasSites: return obs,mod = self.stageData(m) for i in range(obs.ndata): fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6.8,2.8),tight_layout=True) tmask = np.where([:,i]==False)[0] if tmask.size > 0: tmin,tmax = tmask[[0,-1]] else: tmin = 0; tmax = mod.time.size-1 t = mod.time[tmin:(tmax+1) ] x =[tmin:(tmax+1),i] y =[tmin:(tmax+1),i] ax.plot(t,y,'-k',lw=2,alpha=0.5) ax.plot(t,x,'-',color=m.color) ind = np.where(t % 365 < 30.)[0] ticks = t[ind] - (t[ind] % 365) ticklabels = (ticks/365.+1850.).astype(int) ax.set_xticks (ticks ) ax.set_xticklabels(ticklabels) ax.set_ylabel(post.UnitStringToMatplotlib(mod.unit)) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"%s_%s_%s.png" % (,self.lbls[i],"time"))) plt.close()
[docs] def generateHtml(self): """Generate the HTML for the results of this confrontation. This routine opens all netCDF files and builds a table of metrics. Then it passes the results to the HTML generator and saves the result in the output directory. This only occurs on the confrontation flagged as master. """ # only the master processor needs to do this if not self.master: return for page in self.layout.pages: # build the metric dictionary metrics = {} page.models = [] for fname in glob.glob(os.path.join(self.output_path,"*.nc")): with Dataset(fname) as dataset: mname = dataset.getncattr("name") if mname != "Benchmark": page.models.append(mname) if not in dataset.groups: continue group = dataset.groups[] # if the dataset opens, we need to add the model (table row) metrics[mname] = {} # each model will need to have all regions for region in self.regions: metrics[mname][region] = {} # columns in the table will be in the scalars group if "scalars" not in group.groups: continue # we add scalars to the model/region based on the region # name being in the variable name. If no region is found, # we assume it is the global region. grp = group.groups["scalars"] for vname in grp.variables.keys(): found = False for region in self.regions: if vname.endswith(" %s" % region): found = True var = grp.variables[vname] name = ''.join(vname.rsplit(" %s" % region,1)) metrics[mname][region][name] = Variable(name = name, unit = var.units, data = var[...]) if not found: var = grp.variables[vname] if "global" not in metrics[mname]: logger.debug("[%s][%s] 'global' not in region list = [%s]" % (self.longname,mname,",".join(self.regions))) raise ValueError() metrics[mname]["global"][vname] = Variable(name = vname, unit = var.units, data = var[...]) page.setMetrics(metrics) # write the HTML page with open(os.path.join(self.output_path,"%s.html" % (,"w",encoding="utf-8") as f: f.write(str(self.layout))
def _relationship(self,m,nbin=25): """ """ def _retrieveData(filename): key = None with Dataset(filename,mode="r") as dset: key = [v for v in dset.groups["MeanState"].variables.keys() if "timeint_" in v] return Variable(filename = filename, groupname = "MeanState", variable_name = key[0]) # If there are no relationships to analyze, get out of here if self.relationships is None: return # Get the HTML page page = [page for page in self.layout.pages if "Relationships" in] if len(page) == 0: return page = page[0] # Try to get the dependent data from the model and obs try: ref_dep = _retrieveData(os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % (,"Benchmark"))) com_dep = _retrieveData(os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % (, ))) dep_name = self.longname.split("/")[0] = "%s/%s" % (dep_name, = "%s/%s" % (dep_name, except: return with Dataset(os.path.join(self.output_path,"" % (,,mode="r+") as results: # Grab/create a relationship and scalars group group = None if "Relationships" not in results.groups: group = results.createGroup("Relationships") else: group = results.groups["Relationships"] if "scalars" not in group.groups: scalars = group.createGroup("scalars") else: scalars = group.groups["scalars"] # for each relationship... for c in self.relationships: # try to get the independent data from the model and obs try: ref_ind = _retrieveData(os.path.join(c.output_path,"" % (,"Benchmark"))) com_ind = _retrieveData(os.path.join(c.output_path,"" % (, ))) ind_name = c.longname.split("/")[0] = "%s/%s" % (ind_name, = "%s/%s" % (ind_name, except: continue # if any one of the data sources are sites, they all # should be, also check that the lat/lons are the same src = [ref_ind,ref_dep,com_ind,com_dep] for i,a in enumerate(src): for j,b in enumerate(src): if i == j: continue if a.ndata and b.ndata: assert(np.allclose(,*np.allclose(a.lon,b.lon)) if a.ndata and not b.ndata: src[j] = b.extractDatasites(,a.lon) ref_ind,ref_dep,com_ind,com_dep = src # create relationships ref = Relationship(ref_ind,ref_dep,order=1) com = Relationship(com_ind,com_dep,order=1) # Add figures to the html page page.addFigure(c.longname, "benchmark_rel_%s" % ind_name, "Benchmark_RNAME_rel_%s.png" % ind_name, legend = False, benchmark = False) page.addFigure(c.longname, "rel_%s" % ind_name, "MNAME_RNAME_rel_%s.png" % ind_name, legend = False, benchmark = False) page.addFigure(c.longname, "rel_func_%s" % ind_name, "MNAME_RNAME_rel_func_%s.png" % ind_name, legend = False, benchmark = False) # Analysis over regions longname = c.longname.replace("/","|") # we want the source too, but netCDF doesn't like the '/' for region in self.regions: ref.makeComparable(com,region=region) # Make the plots fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,5.25),tight_layout=True) ref.plotDistribution(ax,region=region) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"%s_%s_rel_%s.png" % ("Benchmark",region,ind_name))) plt.close() fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,5.25),tight_layout=True) com.plotDistribution(ax,region=region) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"%s_%s_rel_%s.png" % (,region,ind_name))) plt.close() fig,ax = plt.subplots(figsize=(6,5.25),tight_layout=True) com.plotFunction(ax,region=region,shift=-0.1,color=m.color) ref.plotFunction(ax,region=region,shift=+0.1) fig.savefig(os.path.join(self.output_path,"%s_%s_rel_func_%s.png" % (,region,ind_name))) # Score the distribution score = ref.scoreHellinger(com,region=region) sname = "%s Hellinger Distance %s" % (longname,region) if sname in scalars.variables: scalars.variables[sname][0] = score else: Variable(name = sname, unit = "1", data = score).toNetCDF4(results,group="Relationships") # Score the functional response score = ref.scoreRMSE(com,region=region) sname = "%s Score %s" % (longname,region) if sname in scalars.variables: scalars.variables[sname][0] = score else: Variable(name = sname, unit = "1", data = score).toNetCDF4(results,group="Relationships")