First Steps =========== This software comes with no data. It is meant to be generic software which facilitates the automatic confrontation of model results with benchmark observational datasets. However, the best way to learn how to use this software is with actual data. To this end we have a relatively small sample which you can `download `_. Extract this file to a location of your choosing by the following:: tar -xvf minimal_ILAMB_data.tgz cd ILAMB_sample export ILAMB_ROOT=$PWD We use this environment variable in the ILAMB package to point to the top level directory of the data. Later, when we reference specific data locations, we can specify them relative to this path. This both shortens the path and makes the configuration portable to other systems or data locations. The following tree represents the organization of the contents of this sample data:: ILAMB_sample/ ├── DATA │ ├── albedo │ │ └── CERES │ │ └── │ └── rsus │ └── CERES │ └── └── MODELS └── CLM40cn ├── rsds │ └── └── rsus └── There are two main branches in this directory. The first is the ``DATA`` directory--this is where we keep the observational datasets each in a subdirectory bearing the name of the variable. While not strictly necesary to follow this form, it is a convenient convention. The second branch is the ``MODEL`` directory in which we see a single model result from CLM. Configure Files --------------- Now that we have data, we need to setup a file which the ILAMB package will use to initiate a benchmark study. There is such a file which comes with the software package in the ``demo`` directory called ``sample.cfg``. Navigate to the demo directory and open this file or view it `online `_. We also reproduce it here for the purpose of this tutorial:: # This configure file specifies the variables [h1: Radiation and Energy Cycle] bgcolor = "#FFECE6" [h2: Surface Upward SW Radiation] variable = "rsus" [CERES] source = "DATA/rsus/CERES/" [h2: Albedo] variable = "albedo" derived = "rsus/rsds" [CERES] source = "DATA/albedo/CERES/" We note that while the ILAMB package is written in python, this file contains no python and is written in a small configure language of our invention. Here we will go over this file line by line and explain how each entry functions. At the top of the file, you see the following lines:: [h1: Radiation and Energy Cycle] bgcolor = "#FFECE6" This is a tag that we use to tell the system that we will have a top level heading ``h1`` which we call *Radiation and Energy Cycle*. While you can name this section anything of your choosing, we have chosen this name as it is descriptive of the benchmarking activities we will perform. Also note that you may specify a background color here in hexadecimal format (we found this site to be helpful to play around with `colors `_). This color will be used in the output which we will show later. It is important to understand that heading are hierarchical--this heading owns everything underneath it until the next ``h1`` tag is found or the file ends. We use ``h1`` level headings to group variables of a given type to better organize the output. Below this, you will notice a second level heading which appears like this:: [h2: Surface Upward SW Radiation] variable = "rsus" We will be looking at radiation here. The ``variable`` tag is the name of the variable inside the dataset which represents the variable of interest. Here ``rsus`` is a standard name used to represent *Surface Upward Shortwave Radiation*. We use ``h2`` headings to represent a variable which we wish to compare. The next entry in the file appears as the following:: [CERES] source = "DATA/rsus/CERES/" First, notice the absence of a ``h1`` or ``h2`` tag. This indicates that this entry is a particular dataset of a given variable (our ``h2`` heading) of a given grouping (our ``h1`` heading). We have named it CERES as that is the name of the data source we have included. We only have to specify the location of the source dataset, relative to the environment variable we set earlier, ``ILAMB_ROOT``. At this point we feel it important to mention that this is the minimum required to setup a benchmark study in this system. If you have an observational dataset which directly maps to a variable which is output by models as ``rsus`` is, you are done. However, it is possible that your dataset has no direct analog in the list of variables which models output and some manipulation is needed. We have support for when your dataset corresponds to an algebraic function of model variables. Consider the remaining entries in our sample:: [h2: Albedo] variable = "albedo" derived = "rsus/rsds" [CERES] source = "DATA/albedo/CERES/" We have done two things here. First we started a new ``h2`` heading because we will now look at albedo. But albedo is not a variable which is included in our list of model outputs (see the tree above). However we have both upward and downward radiation, so we could compute albedo. This is accomplished by adding the ``derived`` tag and specifying the algebraic relationship. When our ILAMB system looks for the albedo variable for a given model and cannot find it, it will try to find the variables which are the arguments of the expression you type in the ``derived`` tag. It will then combined them automatically and resolve unit differences. The configuration language is small, but allows you to change a lot of the behavior of the system. Non-algebraic manipulations are also possible, but will be covered in a more advanced tutorial. Running the Study ----------------- Now that we have the configuration file set up, you can run the study using the ``ilamb-run`` script. Executing the command:: ilamb-run --config sample.cfg --model_root $ILAMB_ROOT/MODELS/ --regions global If you are on some institutional resource, you may need to launch the above command using a submission script, or request an interactive node. As the script runs, it will yield output which resembles the following:: Searching for model results in /Users/ncf/sandbox/ILAMB_sample/MODELS/ CLM40cn Parsing config file sample.cfg... SurfaceUpwardSWRadiation/CERES Initialized Albedo/CERES Initialized Running model-confrontation pairs... SurfaceUpwardSWRadiation/CERES CLM40cn Completed 37.3 s Albedo/CERES CLM40cn Completed 44.7 s Finishing post-processing which requires collectives... SurfaceUpwardSWRadiation/CERES CLM40cn Completed 3.3 s Albedo/CERES CLM40cn Completed 3.3 s Completed in 91.8 s What happened here? First, the script looks for model results in the directory you specified in the ``--model_root`` option. It will treat each subdirectory of the specified directory as a separate model result. Here since we only have one such directory, ``CLM40cn``, it found that and set it up as a model in the system. Next it parsed the configure file we examined earlier. We see that it found the CERES data source for both variables as we specified it. If the source data was not found or some other problem was encountered, the green ``Initialized`` will appear as red text which explains what the problem was (most likely ``MisplacedData``). If you encounter this error, make sure that ``ILAMB_ROOT`` is set correctly and that the data really is in the paths you specified in the configure file. Next we ran all model-confrontation pairs. In our parlance, a *confrontation* is a benchmark observational dataset and its accompanying analsys. We have two confrontations specified in our configure file and one model, so we have two entries here. If the analysis completed without error, you will see a green ``Completed`` text appear along with the runtime. Here we see that ``albedo`` took a few seconds longer than ``rsus``, presumably because we had the additional burden of reading in two datasets and combining them. The next stage is the post-processing. This is done as a separate loop to exploit some parallelism. All the work in a model-confrontation pair is purely local to the pair. Yet plotting results on the same scale implies that we know the maxmimum and minimum values from all models and thus requires the communcation of this information. Here, as we are plotting only over the globe and not extra regions, the plotting occurs quickly. Viewing the Output ------------------ The whole process generates a directory of results which by default is called ``_build``. To view the results locally on your computer, navigate into this directory and start a local ``http`` server:: python -m http.server You should see a message similar to this:: Serving HTTP on port 8000 ( ... Open this link in your browser and you will see a webpage with a summary table in the center. As we have so few variables and a single model at this point, the table will not be very helpful. As we add more variables and models, this summary table helps you understand relative differences in scores among models. For now, clicking on a row of the table will expand it to reveal the underlying datasets used. Clicking on `CERES` will take you to another page which presents detailed scores and plots.