Diagnosing Missing Model Values with ``ilamb-doctor`` ===================================================== In a previous `tutorial <./add_model.html>`_ we covered how a model can be added to the analysis. However, it can be challenging to know which variables are needed. To this end we have created a tool called ``ilamb-doctor`` which tries to diagnose what is incorrect or missing from a given analysis. It takes options similar to ``ilamb-run`` and is used in the following way:: [ILAMB/test]$ ilamb-doctor --config test.cfg --model_root ${ILAMB_ROOT}/MODELS/CLM Searching for model results in /Users/ncf/ILAMB//MODELS/CLM CLM40n16r228 CLM45n16r228 CLM50n18r229 We will now look in each model for the variables in the ILAMB configure file you specified (test.cfg). The color green is used to reflect which variables were found in the model. The color red is used to reflect that a model is missing a required variable. Biomass/GlobalCarbon CLM40n16r228 biomass or cVeg GrossPrimaryProductivity/Fluxnet CLM40n16r228 gpp GrossPrimaryProductivity/GBAF CLM40n16r228 gpp GlobalNetEcosystemCarbonBalance/Hoffman CLM40n16r228 nbp NetEcosystemExchange/GBAF CLM40n16r228 gpp, rh, and ra TerrestrialWaterStorageAnomaly/GRACE CLM40n16r228 tws Albedo/MODIS CLM40n16r228 rsus and rsds SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU CLM40n16r228 tas Precipitation/GPCP2 CLM40n16r228 pr Biomass/GlobalCarbon CLM45n16r228 biomass or cVeg GrossPrimaryProductivity/Fluxnet CLM45n16r228 gpp GrossPrimaryProductivity/GBAF CLM45n16r228 gpp GlobalNetEcosystemCarbonBalance/Hoffman CLM45n16r228 nbp NetEcosystemExchange/GBAF CLM45n16r228 gpp, rh, and ra TerrestrialWaterStorageAnomaly/GRACE CLM45n16r228 tws Albedo/MODIS CLM45n16r228 rsus and rsds SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU CLM45n16r228 tas Precipitation/GPCP2 CLM45n16r228 pr Biomass/GlobalCarbon CLM50n18r229 biomass or cVeg GrossPrimaryProductivity/Fluxnet CLM50n18r229 gpp GrossPrimaryProductivity/GBAF CLM50n18r229 gpp GlobalNetEcosystemCarbonBalance/Hoffman CLM50n18r229 nbp NetEcosystemExchange/GBAF CLM50n18r229 gpp, rh, and ra TerrestrialWaterStorageAnomaly/GRACE CLM50n18r229 tws Albedo/MODIS CLM50n18r229 rsus and rsds SurfaceAirTemperature/CRU CLM50n18r229 tas Precipitation/GPCP2 CLM50n18r229 pr Here we have run the command on some inputs in our ``test`` directory. You will see a list of the confrontations we run and the variables which are required or their synonyms. What is missing in this tutorial is the text coloring which will indicate if a given model has the required variables. In the future we will add more intelligence to this tool to help diagnose potential problems.