Controlling the Analysis with ``ilamb-run`` Options =================================================== While the basic operation of ``ilamb-run`` is covered in previous tutorials, there are more options which can be used to control what happens in a run. In this tutorial we will describe these options and motivate when they are useful. Limiting the analysis --------------------- The configure file specifies the confrontations which will be performed. However, for many reasons in the development and debugging process it may be advantageous to run ILAMB on only a subset of the configure file. You can control this by specifying strings which must be in the confrontation longname. For example, consider the following arguments:: ilamb-run --config ilamb.cfg --model_root ${ILAMB_ROOT}/MODELS --confrontation CERES This line will run only the CERES confrontations found in the ``ilamb.cfg``. The same can be achieved for models with the ``--models`` option. In this case, you must specify the model names which you wish to run against in a given run. To see how this is useful, imagine you have 3 models in your ``--model_root`` directory, but for one you needed to replace all the model result files. So you need to rerun ILAMB, but not on all three models. With this option, you can rerun ILAMB on just the needed model, saving time. If this model name is ``modelC``, then the option would be:: ilamb-run --config ilamb.cfg --model_root ${ILAMB_ROOT}/MODELS --models modelC --clean The ``--clean`` option here tells ILAMB to rerun the analysis even if intermediate files are present, essentially cleaning out the ``modelC`` ILAMB contents and recomputing them, while leaving the rest of the models untouched. Defining models --------------- There are two ways to define models for an analysis. The first was covered in previous tutorials. The ``--model_root`` option is used to specify a location whose subdirectories (not recursive) are initialized as separate models. This is the recommended method as it is simple and fast. One issue that comes up is that model developers want to run ILAMB, but during the development process as a sanity check on the model performance. This means that model results may not be available in the contemporary period. The ``--model_year`` option can be used to shift the time of all models in an analysis by a fixed number of years. So if a model run starts in 1850, but you wish to treat these results as if they were the year 2000 (for comparing to some dataset), then the appropriate command is ``--model_year 1850 2000``. While helplful, we also acknowledge that globally applying a shift in time across all models might not be desirable. It is likely that a user has cached the results from previous versions of the model which have been spun up and run over the contemporary period. To this end we provide a more detailed model setup option ``--model_setup file.txt``. The contents of ``file.txt`` could look something like the following:: # Model Name, Location of Files , Shift From, Shift To CLM40 , ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/CLM40 CLM45 , ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/CLM45 CLM5X , ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/CLM5X, 1850 , 2000 CLM5Y , ABSOLUTE/PATH/TO/CLM5Y, 1850 , 2000 The text file is in simple comma delimited form with either 2 or 4 columns. Lines which begin with ``#`` will be ignored. The first column is the name which you wish to assign to the model and the second is the absolute path of the results. The third and fourth columns define the shift in years for each model. If there are only two columns of data, we will not apply a shift. To add some context, this option may be useful in the model development process. In our sample setup, we have two model versions CLM4 and CLM4.5 whose results are archived and will not be changing and thus do not need time shifted. We have setup two versions of CLM5, X and Y which represent perhaps different parameterization choices, shifted because we have not spun these models up. The ILAMB results should be interpretted carefully, but comparing two parameterizations in this way might provide insight into key differences. Regions ------- The ILAMB analysis can be performed on an arbitrary number of regions which may be defined in many ways. The ILAMB package comes with a set of these regions predefined which are used in the `Global Fire Emissions Database `_. They are: * bona, Boreal North America * tena, Temperate North America * ceam, Central America * nhsa, Northern Hemisphere South America * shsa, Southern Hemisphere South America * euro, Europe * mide, Middle East * nhaf, Northern Hemisphere Africa * shaf, Southern Hemisphere Africa * boas, Boreal Asia * ceas, Central Asia * seas, Southeast Asia * eqas, Equatorial Asia * aust, Australia The first entry in the above list is a region label. To avoid confusion these should not have spaces or special characters. The second entry is the name itself which will appear in the pull down menus on the webpage otput. To run the ilamb analysis over particular regions, use the ``--regions`` option and include the region labels delimited by spaces. As we anticipate that users will desire to define their own regions, we have provided this capability in two forms. The first is region definition by latitude and longitude bounds which can be done in the form of a text file in the following comma delimited format:: #label,name ,lat_min,lat_max,lon_min,lon_max usa,Continental US, 24, 50, -126, -66 Additional rows in the same format may be included to define more regions in the same file. The first column is the label to be used, followed by the region name. Then the minimum and maximum bounds on the latitude and longitude are specified. Note that longitude values are expected on the [-180,180] interval. In this current iteration regions cannot be specified which span the international dateline. The second form is by creating a mask using a netCDF4 file. We will go into more detail about the format of the netCDF4 file for defining masks in its own `tutorial <./custom_regions.html>`_. So if the sample text file above is called ``regions.txt`` and we have a netCDF4 file called ```` with a region label ``amazon``, then the ILAMB analysis can be performed over additional regions by specifying:: --define_regions regions.txt --regions global usa amazon In its current form, ILAMB expects that the analysis will be performed over at least the global region. All overall scores are based on information in that region. This is a restriction we are working to loosen. If you need to circumvent this, you can redefine the region labeled ``global`` to meet your needs. Other options ------------- * ``--filter``, Sometimes a model has output from several runs or experiments included in the same location. This is frequently indicated by some string in the filename, such as ``r0i0p0``. This option may be used to require that files contain a specific string to be considered in the list of variables models provide. * ``--skip_plots``, The plotting phase of ILAMB is expensive. It takes a long time to generate all the thousands of graphics that get produced. It may be that you are running ILAMB for the summary graphic/information only. In this case you can run with this option to speed up the run. * ``--build_dir``, The default location for generating the ILAMB output is a ``_build`` directory placed in the directory from which you ran ``ilamb-run``. While fine for everyday use, you may wish to control the location of this directory. * ``--disable_logging``, ILAMB uses a MPI logger to write exceptions and progress to a log file in a thread-lock fashion. This helps tremendously when tracking down user errors. However, we have found that on some systems (e.g. geysey at NCAR) this causes ``ilamb-run`` to lock for reasons we do not yet understand. Disabling the logging seems to circumvent the issue. If you find that ``ilamb-run`` makes no progress when running in parallel, you might try this option. * ``--quiet``, By default, ILAMB spits out progress information to the screen. If you wish to supress this information, run with this option.