
The ILAMB benchmarking software is written in python 3 and depends on a few packages which extend the language’s usefulness in scientific applications. This tutorial is meant to guide you in installing these dependencies. We acknowledge that installing software is a huge barrier for many scientists, and so we aim to not only give basic instructions that should work, but also teach the user what they are doing and how to interpret things when they go wrong.

To make matters more complicated, there are many ways to install python packages. Here are a few of your options explained in more detailed in separate sections below.

  1. Install from the conda-forge channel of Anaconda python (conda). This is a good option for installing all dependencies automatically if you are unfamiliar with how to do so.

  2. Install from the Python Package Index (pypi). While this is the canonical method of installing python packages, it will not install underlying C-libraries.

In either method, a good check to ensure ILAMB was installed properly is:

python -c "import ILAMB; print(ILAMB.__version__)"

which should return a numeric value reflecting the installed version. Once you have ILAMB installed, you will need to execute:


just once. This will download some cartopy assets needed for plotting.

Both methods will install the latest release of ILAMB. However, we continue to develop the software and methodology and you may rather run from our latest commits. To do this, first use either method above to install ILAMB. This will get all the dependencies installed. Then you will clone our repository:

git clone
cd ilamb
pip install ./

This will overwrite the released version installation with whatever was last committed. We will now describe in more detail each method.

Method 1: Conda

The recommended method of installing ILAMB makes use of a package manager, conda. Conda goes beyond what python’s native pip can do and installs everything that the python packages depend on, including the underlying C-libraries.

To proceed with this method, you will need to have installed anaconda or miniconda (see documentation for conda) or be on an institutional cluster that has already provided it for you (check for available modules if the command conda is not found). Once installed, you will need to make sure that the conda-forge channel is available:

conda config --add channels conda-forge

Then you only need to install via:

conda install ILAMB

Conda will then look at all the packages you have installed and try to solve for what it needs to install/upgrade/downgrade so that all the software can work together. Note that we support builds for Linux and OSX, but not Windows.

It may be that conda was unable to solve your environment to install ILAMB. This could happen because, perhaps, you already use conda and have other things installed. What makes conda powerful is that it also allows for the creation of environments. This means that we can use conda to automatically create a special environment for ILAMB which will not conflict with any other software you may have:

conda create --name ilamb
conda activate ilamb
conda install ilamb

If you are running on an institutional cluster that requires you to submit job scripts to run in parallel, this method may not work for you. ILAMB achieves parallelism using mpi4py which wraps an installation of the C-library MPI which conda will install for you. However, on an institutional cluster you may need it to rather wrap the system’s installation of MPI in order to submit jobs via a queue. In this case, we have provided files in the repository that you can use to create an environment that will wrap the system’s MPI:

git clone
cd ilamb
conda env create -f ilamb-sysmpi.yml
pip install ./

Aside on Institutional Clusters

We have found that the above may still fail to successfully install mpi4py and therefore also ILAMB. This has to do with the Cray compile system and is a problem that we have not been able to solve with the computing staff at these centers. We have found that the following approach works. First, build an ILAMB environment with ilamb.yml from our repository:

conda env create -f ilamb.yml

This should succeed, but will install the wrong MPI and mpi4py. Next, before activating the new environment, take note of where the system-installed mpi4py is located:

python -c "import mpi4py as m; print(m.__path__)"

This should return some ugly path where we find two directories:


Your paths will be a little different, depending on the location that your system admins have installed this software. For now, just take note of their location. Now, activate your environment and repeat the mpi4py test:

conda activate ilamb
python -c "import mpi4py as m; print(m.__path__)"

which, on my system, results in the following location:


In short, we are going to go into your environment directory, remove the installed mpi4py manually, and then create a symbolic link to the system version. If this sounds like a hack, you are correct! Just imagine all the new friends you will make with your new found skills. So, following my paths, yours will differ, we first navigate to my environment’s site-packages directory and remove the current mpi4py:

cd /ccs/home/nate/.conda/envs/ilamb/lib/python3.7/site-packages
rm -rf mpi4py*

Then, we will link to the system versions. Again, your paths will be different. Use the ones you noted from above:

ln -s /sw/rhea/python/3.7/anaconda3/2018.12/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mpi4py
ln -s /sw/rhea/python/3.7/anaconda3/2018.12/lib/python3.7/site-packages/mpi4py-3.0.2-py3.7.egg-info

Now you can activate your new environment which will use the system MPI and allow you to submit jobs to make use of multiple nodes. Finally, install ILAMB using:

pip install ./

Method 2: The Python Package Index

The canonical method of installing python packages is via the Python Package Index (pypi). Developers can choose to list their projects here for the world to discover using the pip utility which also automatically installs the dependencies. To install ILAMB using pip you type:

pip install ILAMB --user

at the commandline and pip will install most everything automatically. Please note that I have post-pended a --user flag to the command. This is not strictly necessary yet recommended as it will cause the packages to be installed to a local directory in place of the system directory. This allows packages to be installed without administrator privileges, and leaves your system installation untouched, which may be important if you need to revert to a previous state.

You should see that a number of packages in addition to ILAMB had their versions checked or were upgraded/installed as needed. These include:

  • numpy, the fundamental package for scientific computing with python

  • matplotlib, a 2D plotting library which produces publication quality figures

  • sympy, a python library for symbolic mathematics

  • netCDF4, a python/numpy interface to the netCDF C library (you must have the C library installed)

  • mpi4py, a python wrapper around the MPI library (you must have a MPI implementation installed)

  • cf-units, a python interface to UNIDATA’s Udunits-2 library with CF extensions (you must have the Udunits library installed)

I have designated that a few of these dependencies are python interfaces to C libraries and so the library must also be installed separately. See the individual package websites for more details. Ideally, pip would be able to install all our dependencies automatically. I recommend using a package manager (yum, apt-get,or dnf on Linux, homebrew on OSX) if you have access to one. If these underlying C-libraries (MPI, netCDF4, UDUNITS) are not already installed on your machine and you are unable to get them installed, you might consider using conda explained in method 1.

Now what?

If you got the installation to work, then you should proceed to working on the next tutorial. Before leaving this page, there are a few extra steps we recommend you perform. If you installed ILAMB using the --user option, the executeable script ilamb-run will be placed inside ${HOME}/.local/bin. You may need to postpend this location to your PATH environment variable:

export PATH=${PATH}:${HOME}/.local/bin

assuming you are using a bash environment. This will make the ilamb-run script executeable from any directory. Also, if you are connecting to a machine remotely in order to run ILAMB, you may wish to change the matplotlib backend to something that does not generate interactive graphics:


This will allow ILAMB to run without needing to connect with the -X option.

What can go wrong?

In an ideal world, this will work just as I have typed it to you. However, if you are here, something has happened and you need help. Installing software is frequently all about making sure things get put in the correct place. You may be unaware of it, but you may have several versions of python floating around your machine. The pip software we used to install packages needs to match the version of python that we are using. Try typing:

pip --version
which python
python --version

where you should see something like:

pip 9.0.1 from /usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages (python 2.7)
Python 2.7.13

Notice that in my case the pip I am using matches the version and location of the python. This is important as pip will install packages into the locations which my python will find. If your pip is, say, for python 3 but you are using python 2.7 then you will install packages successfully, but they will seem to not be available to you. The same thing can happen if you have the right version of python, but it is installed in some other location.

Now we provide some interpretation of the possible output you got from the test. If you ran:

python -c "import ILAMB; print(ILAMB.__version__)"

and you see something like:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
ImportError: No module named ILAMB

Then the package did not correctly install and you need to look at the screen output from the install process to see what went wrong. You may also have observed an import error of a different sort. When you import the ILAMB package, we check the version of all the packages on which we depend. You could see an error text like the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ILAMB/", line 29, in <module>
ImportError: Bad numpy version: ILAMB 0.1 requires numpy >= 1.9.2 got 1.7

This means that while the numpy package is installed on your system, its version is too old and you need to use pip to upgrade it to at least the version listed. You may also see a message like the following:

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "<string>", line 1, in <module>
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/ILAMB/", line 25, in <module>
    pkg = __import__(key)
ImportError: No module named numpy

This means that we require the numpy package but you do not have it installed at all. This should not happen, but if it does, use pip to resolve this problem.